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Solo Travel

Traveling Solo in India


Joining the Sevanti Adventures Tour on Your Own

More than 95% of our tour guests are women, and more than half of them join us without bringing partners or friends. The magic lays in creating a community of like minded seekers to share the experience of a lifetime together. We create a space where adventure travelers can focus on the cultural experience and the personal growth of being in India. On the journey we all bond deeply with one another and become lifelong friends. We begin as strangers, and within days connect through shared experiences and the beauty of India. It is exciting to travel with a friend or life partner, but not everyone's partner can get away from work and family for two weeks, and not all of our friends share the dream to see India, or have the disposable time and income. Don't let that stop you - come along anyway.


We offer both single and double accommodations on our tours. If you come with a friend or partner, let us know and we will place you together in the same room throughout the tour. If you are traveling on your own, no worries, we will do our best to match you with a roommate of similar gender, age, and geographic compatibility. All of our guests leave the tour with a new best friend and stay in touch for years.

Extended Solo Travel: A Warning to Women

Sevanti Adventures bases its entire travel business model upon safety, and especially women's safety. When traveling anywhere in the world, you will always be safer in a group. In the last few years, India has had an unusually high incidence of sexual harassment and as a consequence we currently do not recommend women travel solo in India. Instead, we strongly recommend that you travel with a group like ours. If you are determined to extend your tour, either before or after our group tour, we strongly recommend that you travel with a small group, or better, hire our travel agents, Kuldeep and Ritu Singh, to create a safe and fun itinerary. Read and listen to other female travelers who braved the solo road in India. The risks, constant worries, and discomforts are often not worth the rewards. So, please, never travel alone. Group travel is so much more enjoyable, relaxing, and safer too.

For Extended Travel Assistance

For assistance with planning your extended travels in India, Nepal, Bhutan, or Sri Lanka, we recommend you contact Kuldeep and Ritu Singh at +91-12-04241447 or send email to [email protected]